By Maiyegun General Biafrans voted in a Referendum to leave Nigeria on 26th May, 1967. Four days later, the administrator of East...
By Maiyegun General
Biafrans voted in a Referendum to leave Nigeria on 26th May,
1967. Four days later, the administrator of Eastern Region at the time, Ojukwu
declared Biafra independence; Gowon the
honcho head of the northern military government moved the tanks into the
Eastern Nigeria after all resolutions to get Biafrans back to Nigeria failed – 5million
Well, it was due to the killings of Igbos in Kano and North
after the 1966 Gowon coup that things finally broke down. The Igbos returned to
the east for safety and then a year later, voted en mass to leave Nigeria, like
reasonable people should, the animal Gowon moved the tanks and killed 5million
in 3 years, including women and children.
Awolowo was Nigeria's finance minister, Obasanjo was there
and that coward Murtala that killed unarmed men in Asaba and children when
Nigerian army he led called people to come out of their hiding, that the war
was over and when the civilians came out, men were separated and executed right
there – their women raped and killed too.
These guys didn't remove history from Nigerians schools for
no reason, they are criminals and history will never be kind to them
I don't need your like, I don't need your validation. If you
don't like what I do, unfollow my page or I'll kick you out myself if you come
here with your usual stupid Nigerian mentality with foolish questions.
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