January 1st 2022 Greetings to the Biafran People Fellow comrades in the struggle and by fellow comrades, I am addressing speci...
January 1st 2022
Greetings to the Biafran People
Fellow comrades in the struggle and by fellow comrades, I am
addressing specifically those of you that have remained undaunted, devoted and
that have remained true and loyal to the leader of this great movement Onyendu
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and those that have remained faithful to the structure he
established. I salute you and commend your exemplary courage and discipline
because without your courage and discipline we will not be where we are today
in terms of the great progress and height attained in our match to freedom.
When we look back and reflect upon our humble beginning as a
freedom fighting movement, you will agree with me that we the Indigenous People
of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide has so much to be grateful to CHUKWUOKIKEKEABIAMA
for because even during the darkest moments in our journey to freedom, he has
proved himself time without number to be the rock of our help and strength. We
are therefore rest assured that we shall overcome our present challenges
because those that Extraordinarily Renditioned our leader Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi
Kanu to Nigeria are terribly disappointed seeing that their initial plans have
all failed and came to nothing. Remain steadfast great Biafrans for it is just
but for a little while and it shall all end in praises to CHUKWUABIAMA and
boundless joy in the holy land of Biafra for our freedom is at hand.
The battle for our liberty and freedom and for the
restoration of the Sovereign State of Biafra is multifaceted because our
enemies come in different shapes, sizes and colours. They and their
collaborators both within and outside of Biafraland came prepared for one
single purpose which is to stop a Sovereign State of Biafra from coming into
being. Great Biafrans permit me to ask this rhetorical question: CAN ANY MORTAL
CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA? As you know the answer to this question to be a capital NO,
I urge you the true followers of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to draw your daily strength
from this fact that as it is not possible for mortals to prevent the SUN from
breaking and driving away darkness, so it is impossible for any mortal to stop
the RISING SUN OF BIAFRA from illuminating itself and taking its proper place
of honour amongst the Stars of heaven because the Spirits of our ancestors are
with us in this battle but above all CHUKWUABIAMA has determined that now is
the time for the freedom of his children from subjugation, dehumanization,
torture, imprisonment, pogrom, massacre and thousands of years of slavery.
The leadership of the Indigenous People of Biafra, the DOS
is preoccupied with the work of securing the unconditional release of our
leader Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and to a larger extent we are also engaged in
actions that will eventually and ultimately herald the birth of the Nation
called Biafra. I am not at liberty to tabulate all that is being done in this
regard but I can assure you that we are not living any stone unturned in our
quest to achieve our immediate and long-term objectives.
The Eastern Security Network is CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA’s battle
axe. He has used this outfit that our leader put in place under divine
direction to drive from our land fulani rapists, killers and terrorist who
occupied our forests and farmlands and were terrorizing our people prior to the
emergence of the ESN. Twelve months since its inception, the ESN has done the
unimaginable. This is why all forces of darkness are arrayed against it. This
is why South East governor are unease because the people have taken their
protection and destiny into their own hands. I can confidently inform Biafrans
that more than 70% of fulani rapists and terrorists in our forests and
farmlands have been dislodged and we are not going to rest on our oars until
the remaining are sent back to where they came from.
As the ESN is engaged this patriotic duty of keeping our
forests and farmlands safe for agricultural actives to go on unhindered, it is
imperative that our people must be very vigilant when it comes to David Umahi’s
militia because the majority close to 80% of its personnel are Nigerian police
officers and foreigners imported into our land to help the Zoo security
agencies in its continued pogrom of Biafran youths. Openly they are eliminating
our young males who form the bedrock of our society. I am greatly pained when I
observe what is playing out in IMO STATE. I am pained because I looked to see
if there is but one man who can speak truth to power but low and behold our land
is bereft of real Elders, our land is bereft of courageous Elders. They answer
elders when an opportunity to go cap in hand seeking for one selfish advantage
or the other present itself. They watch the carnage going on in IMO STATE but
pretend to see nothing, they hear the sound of the machine guns fixed atop
Nigerian army and police armoured personnel carriers and the bombs from their
Army and Navy helicopters and when the dust settles, the mangled bodies of
their children littering our communities and cities but these Elders are not
moved because they have long ceased to be true elders having dined with the
devil and mortgaged their conscience. The IMO STATE and EBONYI STATE governors
have turned the killing of Biafran youths and razing down of our communities,
businesses and homes their new sport. Where are the elders you may ask?
The intelligence report at our disposal reveals a disturbing
trend to the desperation of South East politicians to create an environment of
anarchy in Biafraland. They have now turned their eyes to the coastal region of
Biafraland to hire militants to come into the heartland of Biafra and cause
mayhem and targeted killings. We are alerting you now ahead of time because
when they will begin to point their cursed hands at IPOB/ESN remember we
informed you well ahead of time as we also told you that most of them the
governors are responsible for the atrocities going on in Biafraland currently.
They created the UNKNOWN GUNMEN for this purpose now that events in IMO and
EBONYI has exposed their evil work, they want to divert our attention by their
desire and desperation to turn their attention to the coast. Just a word of
caution to our brothers in the coastal region, do not allow politicians to use
you to spill the blood of your brother because the land of Biafra and the
SPIRITS that own the land shall come after such a person that allows
politicians to use him or her.
Please Biafrans take note; recruitment of ENS operatives is
closed so do not fall into the hand of DSS in the name of recruitment for ESN.
All ESN commandos and reservists should return to base within 72hrs.
The Kidnapping of Biafran youths irrespective of their
gender and the kidnapping of Biafran men and women irrespective of their age is
continuing without let. Thousands of Biafrans have been abducted by the
Nigerian security operatives especially the Army, the Police and the DSS. A
great number of these abductees are simply executed, many are raped, tortured
and starved to death. IPOB has deployed multiple approach in tracing the where
about of our people who have fallen victim to these targeted kidnappings. We
also deploy multiple means to secure their freedom.
The Indigenous people of Biafra IPOB led by Onyendu Mazi
Nnamdi Kanu has secured the freedom of more than 1500 of our people kidnaped by
Nigeria security agencies at an enormous financial cost running into millions
of dollars. This number includes about 500 of our people abducted from Obigbo
in Igweocha. Let me hasten to add that there are still thousands of Biafran
being held in different detention facilities across the Zoo. You may be
wondering for what offence. These people have committed no crime other than that
they are born Biafrans.
The IPOB Medical dept has been handling cases of our people
who sustained all manner of injuries from torture at the hands of these
terrorists in uniform. Many suffered serious traumatic, psychological and
mental injuries that will take years to heal or may even leave a permanent
scare on these victims. A lot funds are also expended by IPOB to provide the
needed medical help.
The year 2021 despite many of its challenges was the year
IPOB led by Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu reached a key and very significant
milestone. Our challenges however have also equipped us with the resilience to
go into this new year firmly committed to carry out our responsibilities
diligently. We must maintain discipline at all levels and at all times. No room
for distractions please.
The following are some of the programs and actions which the
leadership will vigorously pursue in 2022. These are the ones we can make
public for now. Others will be made known at the appropriate time.
1. Worldwide campaign for the unconditional release of
Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (A Prisoner of Conscience). The Campaign will be
called the THE PRISONER OF CONSCIENCE CAMPAIGN. In furtherance of this
CAMPAING, all IPOB family members, Biafrans and friends of Biafra are hereby
urged to change their profile pictures on social media with our official
campaign poster.
2. Secondly all IPOB families worldwide are hereby directed
to activate the earlier instruction passed down to them. We shall embark on a
worldwide protest in cities and capitals around the world. Focus of our protest
shall be British Embassies, the British Parliament, 10 downing street, the
Kenyan Embassies, the Zoo Nigerian Embassies and International Organizations
like the UN, the EU, Amnesty International and Media houses.
3. The DOS will be creating a new department in IPOB to add
to those already existing under the Directorate of State. The department will
be designated as IPOB EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Primary responsibility is to teach
our history, language, tradition and culture to our children. We have about
three books that will be published this new year in furtherance of this. After
the head of this department is made public, Biafran writers will be called upon
to bring forward books and educational materials to be published for our
children in primary and secondary schools.
4. Beginning from tonight, no more Nigerian National Anthems
in all Schools in Biafraland. Our Children must no longer be reminded daily
that they are under oppression by singing the national anthem of the oppressor.
School authorities and proprietors have a responsibility to teach our children
our national anthem. The Biafran National Anthem.
5. The ban placed on fulani cows will take effect in April
2022. Effective this month Fulani cows will not be used for any social or ceremonial
events and festival in Biafraland. Our native cows will be used instead for
these events Traditional Custodians of our Culture, the Clergy and Town Unions
must ensure that this message gets to the grassroots. We cannot continue to eat
and bring cause and damnation upon our land and upon ourselves by consuming
cows that were used for bestiality.
6. The May 30th of 2022 shall take a different format. It
shall be celebrated as our Independence Day. Seminars, Symposia and Lectures in
designated halls will be organised. No protests. Preparations for this must
commence without delay.
7. Finally, I cannot reiterate the importance of discipline
enough and this applies to all levels of our structure. Every principal servant
of the Indigenous People of Biafra report to his /her immediate superior. Our
Command-and-Control principle is an indispensable tool in our operations and
for our success for that matter. There is no middle way, either you are in or
you are out. To this effect therefore those of you who are being led astray,
the door of grace is about to shut and then you will truly have yourself to
May CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA take the place of honour in our
journey to freedom. May he guide our feet in only one direction, the road to a
Free, Sovereign and Independent Biafran Nation. May he strengthen all TRUE and
HONEST IPOB family members worldwide. May he guard, protect and lead our leader
Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
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